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How to use Cabal dependencies from Agda's Haskell FFI?

I have some simple code to plot some data using the Chart Haskell library:

-- Dynamical/Plot/src/HsPlot.hs
module HsPlot where

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo

plotToFile :: Double -> [Double] -> [Double] -> IO ()
plotToFile dt r f = toFile def "plot.png" $ do
    layout_title .= "Dynamics idk"
    setColors [opaque blue, opaque red]
    plot (line "rabbits" [zip [0, dt..] r ])
    plot (line "foxes" [zip [0, dt..] f])

and some Agda code which I intend to call it from:

-- Dynamical/Plot/Plot.agda
{-# OPTIONS --sized-types --guardedness #-}

module Dynamical.Plot.Plot where

open import Agda.Builtin.IO
open import Data.Float
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.List as List using (List)
open import Data.Product

  plotDynamics  : Float → List Float → List Float → IO ⊤

{-# FOREIGN GHC import HsPlot #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC plotDynamics = plotToFile #-}

open import Dynamical.LotkaVolterra
import Data.Vec as Vec

main = do
  -- lvList is a Vec of Floats, needs to be a list
  let dyn = Vec.toList lvList
  let r , f = List.unzip dyn
  plotDynamics 0.1 r f

There is also a cabal file listing Chart and Chart-cairo as dependencies in the directory Dynamical/Plot, so right next to the Agda file. Trying to agda -c Dynamical/Plot/Plot.agda --ghc-flag=-iDynamical/Plot/src will give me

/Users/deco/work/poly/MAlonzo/Code/Dynamical/Plot/Plot.hs:29:1: error:
    Could not find module ‘HsPlot’
    Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
29 | import HsPlot

So it doesn't even find my Haskell module, let alone the Cabal dependencies. I'm trying to avoid using the flag --ghc-dont-call-ghc because that just generates a mountain of Haskell code which would be annoying to integrate with my little plotting code. I don't see any option to give the GHC backend instructions on how to find the cabal file or any modules I might have. How do I do this?

Here's the directory structure in full, too:

> tree
├── Categorical
│   ├── Adjunction.agda
│   ├── CartesianClosed.agda
│   ├── CompositionMonoid.agda
│   ├── Coproduct.agda
│   ├── CubicalPoly.agda
│   ├── Exponential.agda
│   ├── Functor
│   │   ├── Constant.agda
│   │   ├── Linear.agda
│   │   ├── PlugInOne.agda
│   │   └── PlugInZero.agda
│   ├── Gist.agda
│   ├── Initial.agda
│   ├── ParallelProductMonoid.agda
│   ├── Product.agda
│   └── Terminal.agda
├── Common
│   └── CategoryData.agda
└── Dynamical
    ├── Fibonacci.agda
    ├── HodgkinHuxley.agda
    ├── LotkaVolterra.agda
    ├── Plot
    │   ├── HsPlot.cabal
    │   ├── Plot.agda
    │   ├── hie.yaml
    │   └── src
    │       └── HsPlot.hs
    ├── System.agda
    └── Turing.agda


  • Found a solution. First of all, the Haskell module was imported as the wrong thing. Since I'm giving the raw directory to Agda, I should have just written {-# FOREIGN GHC import HsPlot #-}.

    I didn't want to have to install things locally, so I ended up with this nix expression. Key part is haskellDeps and customGhc; callCabal2Nix will read the cabal file it's given and turn it into a nix expression (with package dependencies appearing as propagatedBuildInputs), and the ghcWithPackages function will add the haskell packages it's given to a bespoke GHC package database.

    { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
      # So that we don't have to repeat ourselves in the configurePhase and the
      # agdaDeps variable.
      agdaDepsNames = [
      agdaDeps = (n: pkgs.agdaPackages.${n}) agdaDepsNames;
      haskellDeps = 
        builtins.filter (d: !(isNull d)) (pkgs.haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "HsPlot" ./Dynamical/Plot/HsPlot.cabal {}).propagatedBuildInputs;
      # Create a custom GHC environment with the needed dependencies. What this will do is "install"
      # a GHC that has a package db listing the dependencies in the cabal file.
      customGhc = pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (ps: haskellDeps);
    pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
      name = "plot";
      src = ./.;
      nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
        (agda.withPackages (p: agdaDeps))
      configurePhase = ''
        export AGDA_DIR=$PWD/.agda
        mkdir -p $AGDA_DIR
        for dep in ${pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep " " agdaDepsNames}; do
          echo $dep >> $AGDA_DIR/defaults
      buildPhase = ''
        agda -c \
          --ghc-flag=-iDynamical/Plot/src \
          ${pkgs.lib.concatMapStrings (dep: "--ghc-flag=-package=${} ") haskellDeps} \
          --ghc-flag=-package-db=${customGhc}/lib/ghc-${customGhc.version}/package.conf.d \
      installPhase = ''
        mkdir -p $out/bin
        cp $TMP/poly/Plot $out/bin
      meta = with pkgs.lib; {
        description = "A simple Agda project that plots data using the Chart library";
        license =;