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Keyboard shortcut for the RUN button when using VS Code with Java?

I use VS Code with the Extension Pack for Java.

When I am in a Java project I have a RUN button at the top right of the window:

Run Button in VS Code

I could not find a keyboard short cut or an entry in the "Show All Commands" list for it.

Is there a way to activate this Java RUN button with a keyboard shortcut? (I'm happy to set up my own shortcut if needed.)


  • Follow the steps below to set shortcut keys:

    1. Click the gear icon in the lower left corner of the interface

    2. Select Keyboard Shortcuts (Ctrl + K + S)

      enter image description here

    3. Search run java

      enter image description here

    4. Double click Run Java

    5. Press the shortcut key you want to bind

      enter image description here

    Now you can run Java programs using the shortcut keys you just bound.