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"Undefined. Implement with the following snippet" protactor cucumber

Currently learning protractor, I am doing this parameter scenario where I want to the change the type of operation done in every run

my steps

const { Given, Then } = require('cucumber');
const { browser } = require('protractor');
const {expect} = require('chai')

Given("I open the {string} url", async function(url){
    await browser.get(url)

Then("The title of the website is {string}", async function(name){
    const pageTitle = await browser.getTitle();
    return expect(pageTitle);

Then("Wait {int} seconds", async function(timeInSeconds){
    await browser.sleep(timeInSeconds * 1000)

Then("with following variables {int} and {int}", async function(num1, num2){
    await element(by.model('first')).sendKeys(num1);
    await element(by.model('second')).sendKeys(num2);
Then('Select "(.*?)" and go', async function(op){
    await element(by.model('operator')).element(by.css("option[value="+op+"]")).click();

    await element('gobutton')).click()
    await browser.sleep(3000)
    //return expect(resultado)

my feature file

Feature: Home page validation

Scenario Outline: Scenario Outline name: Page title
    Given I open the "" url
    Then The title of the website is "Super Calculator"
    Then Wait 3 seconds
    Then with following variables <num1> and <num2>
    Then Select <operator> and go


? Then Select addition and go Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

     Then('Select addition and go', function () {
       // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
       return 'pending';

I am getting this message every time I run my code, I tried using regex because of this other question but it didn't fix anything, previously I was trying to use {string} and it didn't work out either


  • It was just missing something really simple

    Then Select "<operator>" and go