Preface: This implementation was source from the following video:
The question is regarding the space complexity of the following function:
target: string wordBank: array of strings
sample call: allConstruct('purple', ['purp', 'p', 'ur', 'le', 'purpl']))
Code Implementation
const allConstruct = (target, wordBank) => {
for (let word of wordBank) {
if (target.indexOf(word) === 0) {
const suffix = target.slice(word.length);
const suffixWays = allConstruct(suffix, wordBank);
const targetWays = => [ word, ...way ]);
According to the video, space complexity is
O(M) | M = target.length
This makes sense, because assuming worst case where the string requires M characters to construct the target string, it will have M stack frames
However, why are we not considering the additional space generated by
const suffix = target.slice(word.length);
Where in each recursive call, we are storing potentially a M length string in memory and
const targetWays = => [ word, ...way ]);
Where in each recursive call, we are storing an array of arrays whose size is also not consider within the O(m) space complexity
Is it because, we just simplify this entirety as the size of the stack frame and we say that it is
O(m) | m = number of stack frames per recursion call
If the above is the case, then why is it in the video's previous example, countConstruct:
const countConstruct = (target, wordBank) => {
if (target === '') return 1;
let totalCount = 0;
for (let word of wordBank) {
if (target.indexOf(word) === 0) {
const numWaysForRest = countConstruct(target.slice(word.length), wordBank);
totalCount += numWaysForRest;
return totalCount;
Why is this example considered: O(M * M)
O(M * M) | M = number of stack frames generated, M = size of suffix stored with each call (target.slice(word.length))
With help from my friend, we concluded that the YouTube video was just inconsistent.
If we were to frame the variables differently where
m = the number of stack frames
n = the number of characters in substring
then for allConstruct() and countConstruct() space complexity is
O(c * m)
c: target.slice(word.length)
m: number of stack frames