Imagine a scenario where I have a huge JSON file on a Github gist. That JSON is an array of object and it has 30k+ lines. Now I want to perform ETL(Extract, Transform, Load) those data directly from Github gist to my database. Unfortunately, the last object of that JSON is incomplete and I don't have any control in the external data source. Which means, in a simple demonstration I'm getting the data like this:
[{ "name": { "first": "foo", "last": "bar" } }, { "name": { "first": "ind", "last": "go
What is the best practice or how can I extract such a huge JSON file and parse it correctly in NodeJs?
I've tried to parse using regular JSON.parse() and a npm package named partial-json-parser but it was no help.
I've found a solution from an external source which solves both incomplete JSON and ETL issues. I'm pasting that snippet here:
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import StreamArray from "stream-json/streamers/StreamArray.js";
const main = async () => {
const invalidJSON = await fetch(
).then((r) => r.body);
const finalData = [];
const pipeline = invalidJSON.pipe(StreamArray.withParser());
pipeline.on("data", (data) => {
await new Promise((r) => {
pipeline.on("end", r);
pipeline.on("error", r);
I think you need to fix the JSON structure first. Just try this approach:
import untruncateJson from "untruncate-json";
const str = `[{ "name": { "first": "foo", "last": "bar" } }, { "name": {
"first": "ind", "last": "go`;
const fixJson = untruncateJson.default;
const json = fixJson(str);