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Add X's within certain positions of a multifasta file

I have a file with multiple FASTA sequences such as:



And I have a table such as:


Seq positions 
seq1 3:10
seq2 10:20,45:60

And I would like for each tab['Seq'] to replace letters by a X for each corresponding seqn positions within File1.fa

As you can see for the second row, I can have multiple positions to replace (these positions are separated by , in the tab['positions'] column.

Here I should then get a new_File1.fa such as:



where for seq1 I replace X from positions 3 to 10, and for seq2 I replaced X from positions 10 to 20 and from positions 45 to 60 positions.

I guess using biopython package should be a solution here?

So far I tried the following:

record_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse("File1.fa, "fasta"))

import re 
for index, row in tab.iterrows():
 start= re.sub(":*.","",row['positions'])
 end= re.sub(".*:","",row['positions'])

But as you can see I only manage to extract the part I want to replace with X and I cannot figure out how to take into account when there are multiple positions to replace in the sequence.


  • Convert the sequences to lists, replace your chosen ranges then covert back to a string. For example,

    seq = "AAABBBCCC"
    s = list(seq)
    for idx in range(3, 6):
        s[idx] = "X"
    new_seq = ''.join(s)    