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React slider does not transitioning - styled components

I'm struggling with slider transition in React and styled components.

So slider itself is working but there's no transition between slides, just like another frame in a movie.

There's a slider itself:

const Slider = () => {
    const [slideIndex, setSlideIndex] = useState(0)
    const handleClick = (e, direction) => {
        if (direction === "left") {
          setSlideIndex(slideIndex > 0 ? slideIndex - 1 : sliderItems.length - 1);
        } else {
          setSlideIndex(slideIndex < sliderItems.length - 1 ? slideIndex + 1 : 0);
  return (
         <Arrow direction="left" onClick={(e)=>handleClick(e,"left")}>
            <ArrowLeftSharp />
            <Slide key={sliderItems[slideIndex].id}>
                    <Image src={sliderItems[slideIndex].img} />
        <Arrow direction="right" onClick={(e)=>handleClick(e,"right")}>
            <ArrowRightSharp />

and here's wrapper styled component:

const Wrapper = styled.div`
  height: 100%;
  display: flex;
  transition: all 0.5s ease;
  transform: translateX(${props=> props.slideIndex * -100}vw);

Does anyone has any idea why the transition not working? Thanks in advance


    1. You don't pass any props to Wrapper component
    2. You have only one slide not multiple slides