I'm working on a Windows 7 gadget that needs to pull data from an excel document. The problem is, is that the Excel process won't unload after I've retrieved the data I need.
Here's the code I use in my initialization function:
var Excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
Excel.Visible = false;
Excel.DisplayAlerts = false;
var workbooks = Excel.Workbooks;
var workbook = workbooks.Open("\\\\SERVER\\Documents\\Sample.xlsx", 0, true);
var activesheet = workbook.ActiveSheet;
var cell = sheet.Cells(1, 1);
var value = cell.Value;
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = value;
delete value;
value = null;
delete cell;
cell = null;
delete activesheet;
activesheet = null;
delete workbook;
workbook = null;
delete workbooks;
workbooks = null;
delete Excel;
Excel = null;
This is all wrapped in a try-catch block and I can verify that it's all succeeding. All the deletes and null assignments are my attempt to release any references to the COM objects, but I seem to be missing something. Is there some way I can force the Excel process to unload?
This is just how Internet Explorer/JScript works — references are held for a period of time until the garbage collector runs. The reference should be garbage collected after a while if you set the variable to null
. You can also force it to be collected by using the (relatively undocumented) CollectGarbage()
method available to JScript and IE:
var Excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
//... blah ...
Excel = null;
window.setTimeout(CollectGarbage, 10);
Note that you need to leave a small amount of time (10ms here) before calling CollectGarbage()
, otherwise when you call the function the variable may not have been marked for collection yet.
Related support article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/266088