Specifically, I have an ascx control, let's assume it injects the javascript var x=5
The ascx control contains a button, which when clicked does x++;
x is then 6.
When someone puts my control on their page, and clicks a button that posts back (the button is their own), I want to let them retrieve the value of x in the code behind.
Is there a solution that would allow this? The closest I can think of is to put a hidden field in the ascx, and store the value in the hidden field when it is updated. Then in my codebehind, on postback, I can do myControl.hiddenField.value to retrieve the result.
I haven't tried this yet as I am wondering if there is a better way. Also I'm not sure if the updated value of hidden field will register when it is altered via javascript, although being a post, I would hope it is.
Edit: In fact, using a getter I could hide away the hidden field and just allow direct access to the value... if that solution is the best...
Yes, your own answer is the best one...especially with your edit! Form fields are how these two tiers communicate with one another. You could potentially invoke an ajax post with a some dynamically built get / post parameters, but this wouldn't be any better...