I could really use some help Debugging a problem. Im trying to build a nested object (tree) from a very unusual array im getting from a backend (dont have access to the BE so i have to work with what i got). I’ve gotten 95 percent of it done but im running into a bug
I know there are many of these flat arrays to nested objects in StackOverFlow, but this array i'm given to work with is way different. It does not have ids or typical properties of a flatten array. The good thing is that I have most of it done.
Here is a basic example of The problem I'm having:
let stackTest = {
predicates: [
primaryTerm: "test1",
level: 1,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "and",
level: 1,
condition: 2,
primaryTerm: "test2",
level: 1,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "and",
level: 1,
condition: 2,
primaryTerm: "test3",
level: 2,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "or",
level: 2,
condition: 1,
primaryTerm: "test4",
level: 2,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "or",
level: 2,
condition: 1,
primaryTerm: "test5",
level: 3,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "and",
level: 3,
condition: 2,
primaryTerm: "test5",
level: 3,
condition: 0,
Desired Function output:
id: 1,
children: [
id: 2,
children: [],
parentId: 1,
level: 1,
primaryTerm: 'test1',
condition: 0
id: 3,
children: [],
parentId: 1,
primaryTerm: 'test2',
level: 1,
condition: 0
id: 4,
children: [
primaryTerm: 'test3',
level: 2,
condition: 0,
id: 5,
children: [],
parentId: 4
id: 6,
children: [],
parentId: 4,
primaryTerm: 'test4',
level: 2,
condition: 0
id: 8,
children: [
primaryTerm: 'test5',
level: 3,
condition: 0,
id: 9,
children: [],
parentId: 8
id: 10,
children: [],
parentId: 8,
primaryTerm: 'test5',
level: 3,
condition: 0
parentId: 4,
level: 2,
primaryTerm: 'and',
condition: 2
parentId: 0,
level: 1,
primaryTerm: 'or',
condition: 1
parentId: 0,
level: 0,
primaryTerm: 'and',
condition: 2
Desired Tree Representation:
/ | \
Test1 Test2 OR
/ | \
Test3 Test4 AND
| \
Test5 Test6
Actual Function output:
id: 1,
children: [
id: 2,
children: [],
parentId: 1,
level: 1,
primaryTerm: 'test1',
condition: 0
id: 3,
children: [],
parentId: 1,
primaryTerm: 'test2',
level: 1,
condition: 0
id: 4,
children: [
primaryTerm: 'test3',
level: 2,
condition: 0,
id: 5,
children: [],
parentId: 4
id: 6,
children: [],
parentId: 4,
primaryTerm: 'test4',
level: 2,
condition: 0
id: 7,
children: [
id: 8,
children: [
primaryTerm: 'test5',
level: 3,
condition: 0,
id: 9,
children: [],
parentId: 8
id: 10,
children: [],
parentId: 8,
primaryTerm: 'test5',
level: 3,
condition: 0
parentId: 7,
level: 2,
primaryTerm: 'and',
condition: 2
parentId: 1,
level: 1
parentId: 0,
level: 1,
primaryTerm: 'or',
condition: 1
parentId: 0,
level: 0,
primaryTerm: 'and',
condition: 2
Actual Tree Representation:
/ | \
Test1 Test2 OR
/ | \
Test3 Test4 {} --here is the issue
| \
Test5 Test6
The Problem: An extra empty object is being created, this object shouldn't be there at all. not sure why this extra node is being created. I suspect it may have to do with the buildEmptyFlatArr, it may not be properly appending the parentId since that too is messed up. This issue only happens when a nested branch is to the right of the Tree, if the nested branch was to the left of the tree it wouldn't happen.
What i have done so far:
rule: objects that have 'and' / 'or' are considered Logical operators only logical (AND/OR) objects can have children steps
The functions buildEmptyFlatArr and listToTree handle this
The updatedTreeNode function handles this
The updatedTreeNode function handles this
The Code:
let id = 1;
let lastLogical = {};
let lastItemAdded = {};
let initTree;
const buildEmptyFlatArr = (num, branch = false, branchLastValue) => {
let initArr = [];
for (let i = 0; i {
let map = {},
roots = [],
for (i = 0; i {
tree.forEach((item, index) => {
if (logical) {
if (item.level === target.level - 1
) {
let objToMod = item;
if (item.condition === undefined) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(target)) {
if (key === "level") {
objToMod["level"] = target.level - 1;
} else {
objToMod[key] = value;
lastLogical = item;
lastItemAdded = item;
} else if (item.children.length > 0 ) {
lastLogical = item;
updateTreeNode(item.children, target, first, logical);
} else if (first) {
if (item.level === target.level) {
let objToMod = item;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(target)) {
objToMod[key] = value;
lastItemAdded = item;
} else if (item.children !== null && item.children.length > 0) {
updateTreeNode(item.children, target, first, logical);
} else if (!first && !logical) {
if (Math.abs(lastLogical.level - target.level) > 1) {
let buildArrayLength = target.level - 1;
let arrToAppend = buildEmptyFlatArr(buildArrayLength, true, target);
let newBranchToAppend = listToTree(arrToAppend);
lastLogical.children = [...lastLogical.children, { ...newBranchToAppend[0] }];
lastItemAdded = item;
lastLogical = item;
} else if (item.level === target.level - 1 && lastLogical === item) {
let objToMod = item;
objToMod.children = [
{ id: id, children: [], parentId: item.id, ...target },
id += 1;
lastItemAdded = item;
lastLogical = item
} else {
updateTreeNode(item.children, target);
const buildTree = (templateData) => {
templateData.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
let list = buildEmptyFlatArr(item.level);
initTree = listToTree(list);
updateTreeNode(initTree, item, true, false);
} else if (item.condition === 1 || item.condition === 2) {
updateTreeNode(initTree, item, false, true);
} else {
updateTreeNode(initTree, item);
console.dir(initTree, { depth: null });
EDIT: I did not do a good job asking this question (first question i think) additional example of how the tree is suppose to look like. The initial example i've given is a tree weighted to the right. but the tree should be able to handle a more complex tree like this
second set of Data
let stackTest = {
predicates: [
primaryTerm: "test1",
level: 3,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "and",
level: 3,
condition: 2,
primaryTerm: "test2",
level: 3,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "and",
level: 1,
condition: 2,
primaryTerm: "test3",
level: 2,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "or",
level: 2,
condition: 1,
primaryTerm: "test4",
level: 2,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "or",
level: 2,
condition: 1,
primaryTerm: "test5",
level: 3,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "and",
level: 3,
condition: 2,
primaryTerm: "test5",
level: 3,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "and",
level: 1,
condition: 2,
primaryTerm: "test6",
level: 2,
condition: 0,
primaryTerm: "or",
level: 2,
condition: 1,
primaryTerm: "test7",
level: 2,
condition: 0,
current output of my code
id: 1,
children: [
id: 2,
children: [
id: 3,
children: [
id: 4,
children: [],
parentId: 3,
level: 3,
primaryTerm: 'test1',
condition: 0
id: 5,
children: [],
parentId: 3,
primaryTerm: 'test2',
level: 3,
condition: 0
parentId: 2,
level: 2,
primaryTerm: 'and',
condition: 2
parentId: 1,
level: 1,
primaryTerm: 'or',
condition: 1
id: 6,
children: [
primaryTerm: 'test3',
level: 2,
condition: 0,
id: 7,
children: [],
parentId: 6
id: 8,
children: [],
parentId: 6,
primaryTerm: 'test4',
level: 2,
condition: 0
id: 9,
children: [
id: 10,
children: [
primaryTerm: 'test5',
level: 3,
condition: 0,
id: 11,
children: [],
parentId: 10
id: 12,
children: [],
parentId: 10,
primaryTerm: 'test5',
level: 3,
condition: 0
parentId: 9,
level: 2,
primaryTerm: 'and',
condition: 2
parentId: 1,
level: 1
parentId: 0,
level: 1,
primaryTerm: 'or',
condition: 1
id: 13,
children: [
primaryTerm: 'test6',
level: 2,
condition: 0,
id: 14,
children: [],
parentId: 13
id: 15,
children: [],
parentId: 13,
primaryTerm: 'test7',
level: 2,
condition: 0
parentId: 0,
level: 1,
primaryTerm: 'or',
condition: 1
parentId: 0,
level: 0,
primaryTerm: 'and',
condition: 2
Here is the current output of my function, test6 and test 7 are properly inserted. where the empty object exists is where the extra node is being inserted. if this extra empty object wasnt there it would be perfect
/ | \
/ / | \ | \
AND test3 test4 {} test6 test7
/ \ |
test1 test2 and
/ \
test5 test5
as you can see object with id: #9 is an extra object that should not be there that is the issue im dealing with. thank you
This is an approach with an array for the operator for every level.
The tree contains always sub trees with an operator as root and operands as leaves. Any operand can contains sub trees as well.
If a level is deeper than the level before, it creates a new sub tree with the operand at top and children for the operands.
getTree = predicates => {
result = [],
levels = [{ children: result }];
let id = 1,
lastLevel = -Infinity;
predicates.forEach(o => {
const level = o.level;
if (level > lastLevel) {
let l = level - 1;
while (!levels[l]) l--;
while (l < level) {
// generate new operator
// assign children to levels
levels[l].children.push(levels[l + 1] = { id, parentId: levels[l]?.id || 0, children: [] });
if (o.condition) { // update operators
if (!levels[level].condition) Object.assign(levels[level], o);
} else { // assign levels
levels[level].children.push({ id, parentId: levels[level].id, ...o, children: [] });
lastLevel = level;
return result;
predicates1 = [{ primaryTerm: "test1", level: 1, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "and", level: 1, condition: 2, }, { primaryTerm: "test2", level: 1, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "and", level: 1, condition: 2 }, { primaryTerm: "test3", level: 2, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "or", level: 2, condition: 1 }, { primaryTerm: "test4", level: 2, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "or", level: 2, condition: 1 }, { primaryTerm: "test5", level: 3, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "and", level: 3, condition: 2 }, { primaryTerm: "test5", level: 3, condition: 0 }],
predicates2 = [{ primaryTerm: "test1", level: 3, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "and", level: 3, condition: 2 }, { primaryTerm: "test2", level: 3, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "and", level: 1, condition: 2 }, { primaryTerm: "test3", level: 2, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "or", level: 2, condition: 1 }, { primaryTerm: "test4", level: 2, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "or", level: 2, condition: 1 }, { primaryTerm: "test5",level: 3, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "and",level: 3, condition: 2 }, { primaryTerm: "test5", level: 3, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "and", level: 1, condition: 2 }, { primaryTerm: "test6", level: 2, condition: 0 }, { primaryTerm: "or", level: 2, condition: 1 }, { primaryTerm: "test7", level: 2, condition: 0 }];
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