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React Native error: Export namespace should be first transformed by `@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from

I am getting the following error when I am running react native application using react-native-cli

error: node_modules\react-native-reanimated\src\index.ts: 
Export namespace should be first transformed by `@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from`.

I am attaching the screenshot of error I am getting with my system configuration enter image description here

System Config enter image description here


  • Try this: -

    1. npm install react-native-reanimated

    2. In babel.config.js insert plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'] (make sure its at the end, it should look like this: -

      module.exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'], };

    3. run react-native start --reset-cache

    4. run your native app (For ios example - npx react-native run-ios)