Using absolute path
in img src
solves my problem, but the reason causing original problem is unknown.
I add a custom prefix to NEXT routing, and I didn't use NEXT/IMG
to render profile photo. I guess it's the reason why img src
attribute doesn't change according to Next path prefix config.
Original Question
I am creating my first online portfolio using Next + React, and then published to github pages. There is one photo in the portfolio homepage.
my profile picture is named Avatar.png stored in public folder
this is where the code is returning my profile photo
// components/about.js
<div className={styles['avatar-container']}>
<img className={styles['avatar-img']} src='Avatar.png' width="188px" height="196px" alt="a picture of Yu-Ming"></img>
// about.js is a react component imported to pages/index.js
I notice that there is additional '/' appended to the end of url when first visit
Currently, I have a workaround is to make about.js to become a standalone page. (although I don't feel like to do so ...)
for people who encounter similar problem: use absolute path instead of relative path will solve this problem. However, I haven't figured the reason why this problem comes up at first place.
more details:
I add basePath in next.config.js
const nextConfig={
basePath: '/personal-portfolio'
When this Next project deployed to gitHub, this is the img src
// Relative Path
// 1st visit
img src = ''
// subsequent visits when navigating to other pages and comeback to root
img src = ''
// subsequent visit does not add basePath correctly
// so changing from Relative URL to Absolute URL fix the problem