I want to move to Java-17, from Java-11. Updated Eclipse to 2022-06 (4.24.0). Eclipse clearly says that Java-17 is the selected JRE. Entered an example with Text Blocks to test Java-17 features.
Eclipse says: "The Java feature 'Text Blocks' is only available with source level 15 and above"
Eclipse advises:
Set project compiler compliance settings to 15 Set project JRE build path entry to 'JavaSE-15'
In Windows/Settings everything shows v17.
In desperation I removed all other Java version from my Windows machine. Didn't help.
In the terminal window of Eclipse I CAN compile and run the TextBlock example, so JRE-17 is correct. It is that Eclipse seem to be unable to handle JRE-17.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
The message is referring to the project's own Properties dialog's Compiler Compliance page. Projects can, and often do, override the workspace's settings so that they're retained in source control.