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How can I profile my Node app to see where I'm using up memory and CPU resources?

My website,, is powered by Node.js. I have released the source code; it's hosted at GitHub. The app itself is running on a Linode with 768MB of RAM (I recently upgraded the server; it was at 512MB).

Recently I have been getting CPU usage notifications from Linode: we're increasingly often at 90%+ usage. I called Linode to see what I could do about upgrading my access to CPU resources, but apparently I'm okay for now, since if we max out to 100% then we can spill over into the next 3 cores (Linodes are 4 processor Xen instances).

How can I profile my Node app to see where I'm using up memory and CPU resources? I predict I'll soon need to restructure the application to be run by a multiple server setup, but I intuitively believe that proper profiling will lead to smarter architecture decisions. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


  • I've had reasonable success using for profiling. There's a setup guide at the bottom of the README file.

    As of later versions of Node.js, the profiling part of node-inspector no longer functions. I've had reasonable success with --prof ( and as mentioned in the answer below.