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How can I fetch data points belonging to a map bounding box?

I am plotting thousands of data points on a map, and at any point I want to fetch the data points falling in a particular map bounding box. For example, attached below is the complete view of the available data points, Whole View

If I zoom in a bit, i will have fewer points and I want to fetch the data associated with those points.Zoomed in view

How I am approaching this is fetching the bounding box of the map, and then checking the coordinates of each point if they belong in that bounding box. Sample code is below,

const data = [
    {lat: 33.93911, lng: 67.709953},
    {lat: -11.2027, lng: 17.8739},
    {lat: -33.8688, lng: 151.2093},
    {lat: -42.8821, lng: 147.3272},
    {lat: 26.0275, lng: 50.55}
const boundingBox =;
const result = [];
for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    if(/* point lies within bounding box */) {

How can I optimise it or is there a better solution? Thanks a lot.


  • You can try using bbox-polygon and boolean-intersects from turf:

    • Use onViewStateChange from deck instance within a debounce function so it won't be executed too often
    • Create a polygon from the deck viewState using @turf/bbox-polygon
    • Pass it to @turf/boolean-intersects with the whole features using filter JS method
    import { WebMercatorViewport } from '';
    import bboxPolygon from '@turf/bbox-polygon';
    import intersects from '@turf/boolean-intersects';
    function debounce(fn, ms) {
      let timer;
      return (...args) => {
        timer = setTimeout(() => {
          timer = null;
          fn.apply(this, args);
        }, ms);
    function getViewport(viewState) {
      const bounds = new WebMercatorViewport(viewState).getBounds()
      return bboxPolygon(bounds)
    function getViewportFeatures({ viewState }) {
      const viewport = getViewport(viewState)
      const viewportFeatures = features.filter((f) => intersects(f, viewport))
      console.log(viewportFeatures) // Your target
      onViewStateChange={debounce(getViewportFeatures, 500)}

    Advanced: if your data is really big, you can use Web Workers