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How to update a Webflux object from repository and save it back

I want to 1) get an object from my repository, 2) update that object and then 3) save it back.

I've already done first two things:

fun updateUniversity(id: ObjectId,
                     newName: String,
                     newCity: String,
                     newYearOfFoundation: Int): Mono<University> {
    return universityRepository
        .map {
            if (newCity.isNotEmpty()) = newCity
            if (newName.isNotEmpty()) = newName
            if (newYearOfFoundation != -1) it.yearOfFoundation = newYearOfFoundation
            return@map it

But I can't save the result. If I try to save my object through map .map{ } I get an error Type Mismatch, cause it returns Mono in Mono.

.then{ } also is not my case, because I need to pass a value (which I don't have) in save function.

I can call .block() but it smells too.

So could anyone show what the last line should be to save my updated object back in the repository?


  • The problem was that to save an object we need to use .flatMap not just .map. Because .map just transforms elements and .flatMap converts them to new Publishers.