I have following struct to store my vertex data.
struct Rz3DContourNode {
float x; //pos x
float y; //pos y
float z; //pos z
float nx; //normal x
float ny; //normal y
float nz; //normal z
I store list of vertices in STL vector as follows :
std::vector < Rz3DContourNode > nodes;
When I try to use this as as vertex-array in OPEGL ,in does not render incorrectly.
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 12, &nodes[0]);
So, I tried to confirm the values using pointer arithmetic (assuming thats the way OPENGL handle data) as follows:
float *ptr=(float*) &nodes[0];
for(int i=0;i<nodes.size();i++)
Rz3DContourNode confirmNode=nodes[i];
float x=*ptr;
float y=*ptr;
float z=*ptr;
//Confirm values !!! Do not equal ??
qDebug("x=%4.2f y=%4.2f z=%4.2f | nx=%4.2f ny=%4.2f nz=%4.2f
//Skip normal positions
The values does not equal if I directly access values from the struct.
Does this means struct does not save the values contiguously ?
[EDIT] I Just noticed that using sizeof() instead of 12 fix the problem as follows:
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Rz3DContourNode), &nodes[0]);
But still I am confused why my hack didnt traverse correctly in memory?(why qDebug doesnt print identical values ?)
sizeof(Rz3DContourNode) == 6*4 = 24 bytes ... not 12!
The stride is the # of bytes between the start of each vertex, not the padding. Although 0 is a special value that indicates tightly packed data.
So, if you're using 3 floats as vertex data, there's no difference between a stride of 0 and 12 (because 3 floats are 12 bytes). In your case, your struct is 24 bytes, so you should put that.
This convention (stride = step size, not padding) allows the simple use of sizeof, so you ended up doing the the right thing intuitively. That's good API design for you. :)
See glVertexPointer docs:
Specifies the byte offset between consecutive vertices. If stride is 0, the vertices are understood to be tightly packed in the array. The initial value is 0.