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Linux gRPC & Conan Version incompatibility

I am trying to use gRPC to create a simple rpc mechanism for a project. I started by cloning gRPC from github and selecting the tag for version 1.47.1.

I built and installed this on Ubuntu as per the instructions, by pulling from GitHub and selecting the tag for v1.47.1

I then created a simple file, e.g.

// Latest proto standard
syntax = "proto3";

package packageName;

// TODO Define service name
service ConfigService {
    rpc GET (GetRequest) returns (GetResponse);

message GetRequest {
    string id = 1;

message GetResponse {
    string value = 1;

Next step is to generate the C++ code

protoc --proto_path=. --cpp_out=$GEN_GRPC_MESSAGE_DIR \
        --grpc_out=$GEN_GRPC_SERVER_DIR \
        --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/usr/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin \

I am using CMake with Conan to build. My conanfile.txt includes the line: grpc/1.47.1

Unfortunately when I try and build it using CMake with Conan I get an error about versioning. Which is triggered by the following generated code:

#include <google/protobuf/>
#if PROTOBUF_VERSION < 3019000
#error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
#error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
#error your headers.
#error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
#error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
#error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.

When I checked the file in the clone of grpc from github it shows that the version is 301900

When I check the version reported from the file from my ~/.conan/data/grpc directory is 3021000 hence the error message.

I assumed the version would match because my Conan file states the version as 1.47.1 and the tag of gRPC from GitHub I selected is v1.47.1.

Further investigation of the GitHi clone reveals that the file comes from the the submodule for protobuf. The tag for protobuf that has a version of whcih has the correct version is tagged v3.21.0 which is not the version used by gRPC v1.47.1

How do I pull and build a version of gRPC from GitHub which matches the version used by Conan? or is there a better approach?


  • You can either override the protobuf version in your conan recipe to 3.19.4 or probably better to update the git submodule in grpc/third_party/protobuf to 3.21.0:

    cd grpc/third_party/protobuf
    git checkout v3.21.0