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Is there a way to get datatype long php?

Can I convert my int datatype variable to longint datatype because I need the object type to be long for soap API (XML)?


  • To convert PHP variables/arrays and object you can use SoapVar to know further about SoapVar

    for your task you need something like $workOrder['ID'] = new SoapVar($data['ID'],XSD_LONG);

    to convert PHP object into Soap Object follow the below code, hopefully it will help you in solving your problem

        $workOrder  = [];
        $workOrder['ID'] = new SoapVar($data['ID'],XSD_LONG);
        $note = [];
        $note['body'] = "valid note body";
        $note['date'] = new SoapVar("2022-07-18",XSD_DATETIME);
        $note['private'] = true;
        $note['subject'] = "valid note subject";
        $varNote = new SoapVar($note, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'ns3:Note', null);
        $varWorkOrder = new SoapVar($workOrder, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'ns3:WorkOrder', null);
           $response2 = $client->attachNoteToWorkOrder($varNote,$varWorkOrder);
        }catch (\SoapFault $exception){
            // dd($exception);