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Lotus string matching Questionnaire system

I have two string,must be split matching,and need 100% the same count matches,how do this? Thanks a lot for help

string A(Reply)

"01: 2"
"02: 2; 3"
"03: 3; 4"
"04: 3"
"05: 2; 4"
"06: 3"
"07: 2; 3"
"08: 2; 4"

string B(Answer)

"01: 2"
"02: 2"
"03: 3; 4"
"04: 3"
"05: 2; 4"
"06: 3"
"07: 2"
"08: 2; 4"


(Reply)"01: 2"    (Answer)"01: 2" =right
(Reply)"02: 2; 3" (Answer)"02: 2" =wrong

count matches=6


  • Your question is still quite hard to understand.
    This is what I understand:
    You have a document with two multi value fields and want to compare these and count the "equal" values:

    Field A(reply) Field B(answer) Equal?
    01: 2 01: 2 equal
    02: 2; 3 02: 2
    03: 3; 4 03: 3; 4 equal
    04: 3 04: 3 equal
    05: 2; 4 05: 2; 4 equal
    06: 3 06: 3 equal
    07: 2; 3 07: 2
    08: 2; 4 08: 2; 4 equal
    -------------- --------------- ------
    Count 6

    In that case a simple For- loop can help:

    Dim doc as NotesDocument
    Dim fieldA as Variant
    Dim fieldB as Variant
    Dim i as Integer
    Dim count as Integer
    '- somehow get your doc
    Set doc = ....
    fieldA = doc.GetItemValue( "reply" )
    fieldB = doc.GetItemValue( "answer" )
    For i = 0 to ubound( fieldA )
        If ubound( fieldB ) >= i Then
           If fieldA(i) = fieldB(i) Then
                count = count + 1
           End If
        End If   
    Messagebox count & " equal lines found."

    This whole thing seems to be to evaluate a test: In one field there are the correct answers and in the other the answers the person gave, and you want to know how many correct answers they gave...

    Take care: If you save the correct answers directly in the document, then people can use Alt + Enter to look at the field properties and simply read out the correct answers from the fields and cheat like that.

    If you are looking for a solution without writing LotusScript, you could add a computed field e.g. "CountRightAnswers" with the following formula:

    _numReplies := @Elements( reply );
    _wrongAnswers := @Trim( @Replace( reply; answer ; "" ) );
    _numWrongAnswers := @Elements( _wrongAnswers );
    _numReplies - _numWrongAnswers

    What does this do:

    • as a first step it counts the elements in field "reply" (=8)
    • then it replaces all the entries in "answer" that exactly match the entries in "reply" with blank and trims the empty values. The result is: "02: 2; 3" : "07: 2;3"
    • again: elements of these wrong answers (=2)
    • Questions minus wrong answers equals correct answers