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Navigation to other pages in single-page Angular app - the page title is not properly captured by timeonsite tracker JS

Integrated the timeonsite JS tracker in my Angular application in HTML tag as follows,

<script type="text/javascript">
var Tos;
(function(d, s, id, file) {
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
    js = d.createElement(s); = id;
    js.onload = function() {
        var config = {
            trackBy: 'seconds',

            blacklistUrl: ['http://nature-home.local/#contact'],
            developerMode: true, //optional setting
            callback: function(data) {
                // give your endpoint URL/ server-side URL that is going to handle your TOS data which is of POST method. Eg. PHP, nodejs or python URL which saves this data to your DB
                var endPointUrl = 'http://nature-home.local/api/tos'; // replace with your endpoint URL
                if (data && data.trackingType) {
                    if (data.trackingType == 'tos') {
                        if (Tos.verifyData(data) != 'valid') {
                            console.log('Data abolished!');
                    // makes use of sendBeacon API in your browser.
                    if (navigator && typeof navigator.sendBeacon === 'function') {
                        var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], {type : 'application/json'});
                        navigator.sendBeacon(endPointUrl, blob);
        if(TimeOnSiteTracker) {
            Tos = new TimeOnSiteTracker(config);
    js.src = file;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
} (document, 'script', 'TimeOnSiteTracker', 'js/timeonsitetracker.js'));

On page reloads and refresh, I'm able to see data captured in tracking table correctly. I'm using sendBeacon() API to capture data in a real-time & loss-less fashion.

From http://nature-home.local/#home page, I see the record captured as:

    "TOSId": 10271953114371370,
    "TOSSessionKey": "6454165596535779179057",
    "TOSUserId": "anonymous",
    "URL": "http://nature-home.local/#home",
    "title": "Nature Posts - Home",
    "entryTime": "2022-06-23 06:22:37.787",
    "currentTime": "2022-06-23 06:22:49.489",
    "timeOnPage": 12,
    "timeOnPageTrackedBy": "second",
    "timeOnSite": 12,
    "timeOnPageByDuration": "0d 00h 00m 12s",
    "timeOnSiteByDuration": "0d 00h 00m 12s",
    "trackingType": "tos"

From http://nature-home.local/#product page, I see the record captured as:

    "TOSId": 15426974499706884,
    "TOSSessionKey": "6454165596535779179057",
    "TOSUserId": "anonymous",
    "URL": "http://nature-home.local/#home",
    "title": "Nature Posts - Home",
    "entryTime": "2022-06-23 06:24:49.449",
    "currentTime": "2022-06-23 06:24:52.497",
    "timeOnPage": 3,
    "timeOnPageTrackedBy": "second",
    "timeOnSite": 15,
    "timeOnPageByDuration": "0d 00h 00m 03s",
    "timeOnSiteByDuration": "0d 00h 00m 15s",
    "trackingType": "tos"

From http://nature-home.local/#photos page, I see the record captured as:

    "TOSId": 4699630142561574,
    "TOSSessionKey": "6454165596535779179057",
    "TOSUserId": "anonymous",
    "URL": "http://nature-home.local/#home",
    "title": "Nature Posts - Home",
    "entryTime": "2022-06-23 06:25:18.873",
    "currentTime": "2022-06-23 06:25:29.624",
    "timeOnPage": 11,
    "timeOnPageTrackedBy": "second",
    "timeOnSite": 26,
    "timeOnPageByDuration": "0d 00h 00m 11s",
    "timeOnSiteByDuration": "0d 00h 00m 26s",
    "trackingType": "tos"

As you see, the URL field is pointing to http://nature-home.local/#home - home page only in all three page navigation instead of /products and /photos pages respectively.

Is it a bug in timeonsitetracker.js library or am I missing anything here? For your information, I haven't seen this issue in web application (non single-page app). Thanks in advance.


  • Is it a bug in timeonsitetracker.js library or am I missing anything here? For your information, I haven't seen this issue in web application (non single-page app). Thanks in advance.

    It's neither a bug timeonsite.js nor a misbehavior in Angular app's routing module but you are missing a very significant setting while initializing the Single-page apps. Timeonsite.js is a capture of continuous stream of timing data, real-time in web and mobile browsers; That means there is nothing that stops or restarts tracking the stay time of users. It just cuts real-time session as pageviews and time-on-page based on page refresh, reaload or browser exits. But for single-page/Angular apps, there is a strategic navigation called "Hash-based" routing. In this case, since the refresh or reload doesn't occur, timeonsite.js thinks that the users stays on page 1 as is. Hence this custom setting trackHistoryChange: true, applicable for any hash-based routing apps.

    So, potentially you are missing trackHistoryChange: true,, a mandatory setting for single-page/Angular app. Any app that works based on hash routing should include this.

    var config = {
        trackBy: 'seconds',
        trackHistoryChange: true, //mandatory setting for single-page app

    Add this missing setting and retry. It should work as expected i.e page titles and URLs would be captured on navigation properly.

    Documentation, TOS-configuration-option (Look for Tracking single-page apps)