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Narrowing down to common JS methods and properties in TypeScript

Is there a way to make this TypeScript narrowing less ugly (or more elegant ;-) ❓

With IsSomething type guard, I want to narrow down access to common methods and properties of any JavaScript variable which is not null and not undefined (things like .toString, .valueOf, .hasOwnProperty, .constructor etc.)

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export type Something = 
  number | string | boolean | symbol | object | bigint;

export function IsSomething(value: unknown) : value is Something {
  return value !== undefined && value !== null;

let a = [1, "2", 3];

function Narrowing(o: unknown) { // OK
    if (IsSomething(o)) {
      console.log(o.toString(), o.constructor);

function NotNarrowing(o: unknown) { // NOT OK
    if (o !== null && o !== undefined) {
      console.log(o.toString(), o.constructor);


  • In TypeScript, every value except for null and undefined is assignable to the so-called empty object type {}. So you can simplify your Something to just {} and your user-defined type guard function will work the same as before:

    export type Something = {};
    function isSomething(value: unknown): value is Something {
      return value !== undefined && value !== null;
    function narrowing(o: unknown) { // OK
      if (isSomething(o)) {
        console.log(o.toString(), o.constructor);

    Furthermore, TypeScript 4.8 will introduce improved support for narrowing unknown, after which your "NotNarrowing" function will start working, because checking (o !== null && o !== undefined) will narrow o from unknown to {} automatically:

    // TS4.8+ 
    function nowNarrowing(o: unknown) { // okay
      if (o !== null && o !== undefined) {
        console.log(o.toString(), o.constructor);

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