I have this function that takes in the bits of a float
) as a uint32_t
. It should use bit operations and + to calculate f * 2048
and should return the bits of this value as a uint32_t
If the result is too large to be represented as a float
, +inf
or -inf
should be returned returned; and if f
is +0
, -0
, +inf
or -inf
, or Nan
, it should be returned unchanged.
uint32_t float_2048(uint32_t f) {
uint32_t a = (f << 1) ;
int result = a << 10;
return result;
This is what I have so far but if I give it the value '1' it returns 0 instead of 2048. How do I fix this?
Some example inputs and outputs:
./float_2048 1
./float_2048 3.14159265
./float_2048 -2.718281828e-20
./float_2048 1e38
As mentioned in the comments, to multiply a floating-point number by a power of 2 (assuming, as is likely, that it is represented in IEEE-754 format), we can just add that power to the (binary) exponent part of the representation.
For a single-precision (32-bit) float
value, that exponent is stored in bits 30-23 and the following code shows how to extract those, add the required value (11, because 2048 = 211), then replace the exponent bits with that modified value.
uint32_t fmul2048(uint32_t f)
#define EXPONENT 0x7F800000u
#define SIGN_BIT 0x80000000u
uint32_t expon = (f & EXPONENT) >> 23; // Get exponent value
f &= ~EXPONENT; // Remove old exponent
expon += 11; // Adding 11 to exponent multiplies by 2^11 (= 2048);
if (expon > 254) return EXPONENT | (f & SIGN_BIT); // Too big: return +/- Inf
f |= (expon << 23); // Insert modified exponent
return f;
There will, no-doubt, be some "bit trickery" that can be applied to make the code smaller and/or more efficient; but I have avoided doing so in order to keep the code clear. I have also included one error check (for a too large exponent) and the code returns the standard representation for +/- Infinity (all exponent bits set to 1, and keeping the original sign) if that test fails. (I leave other error-checking as an "exercise for the reader".)