I'm writing a ros node with two threads to support client dynamic reconfiguration in C++. One thread is responsible for subscribing to a topic /error
which is float, taking the sum of value sum_of_error
, and incrementing batch_size
. Another thread is responsible for taking the average of the value if batch_size
reaches BATCH
and then resetting sum_of_error
and batch_size
to 0. Both batch_size
and sum_of_error
are shared variables between two threads so I use mutex to prevent data race. The thread for subscription of a topic works well but the thread for taking the average and resetting batch_size
and sum_of_error
is stuck. I notice that the process gets stuck at while
loop in the function get_value()
. I think it has something to do with race conditions. Any idea? How can I change my code to solve this problem.
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <std_msgs/Float32.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/client.h>
#include <calibration/HcNodeConfig.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
mutex m;
int batch_size = 0;
float sum_of_error = 0;
int BATCH = 10;
float get_value() {
while (batch_size < BATCH) {
float res = sum_of_error / batch_size;
sum_of_error = 0.0;
batch_size = 0;
return res;
void adjuster_callback(const hc::HcNodeConfig& data) {
void listener_callback(const std_msgs::Float32ConstPtr& msg) {
float current_error = msg->data;
sum_of_error += current_error;
void start_listener(ros::NodeHandle n) {
ros::Subscriber listener;
ros::Rate loop_rate(BATCH);
listener = n.subscribe("/error", BATCH, listener_callback);
while (ros::ok()) {
void start_adjuster(ros::NodeHandle n) {
ros::Rate loop_rate(BATCH);
hc::HcNodeConfig config;
dynamic_reconfigure::Client<hc::HcNodeConfig> client("/lidar_front_left_hc", adjuster_callback);
ros::Duration d(2);
client.getDefaultConfiguration(config, d);
while (ros::ok()) {
float current_error = get_value();
if (current_error > 0.0) {
config.angle = 0.0;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
ros::init(argc, argv, "adjuster");
ros::NodeHandle n;
thread t1(start_listener, n);
thread t2(start_adjuster, n);
return 0;
while (batch_size < BATCH) {
The apparent intent of this is to wait until another execution thread increments batch_size
until it reaches BATCH
However because this access to batch_size
is not synchronized, at all, this results in undefined behavior.
Other execution threads synchronize modifications to batch_size
using the mutex. This execution thread must do the same. Something like this:
int get_batch_size()
int s=batch_size;
return s;
// ...
while (get_batch_size() < BATCH)
This is, of course, busy-polling and would be horribly inefficient. A condition variable should be employed, together with this mutex, for optimal performance and results.