I need to define its size in runtime, so I need a vector. I tried the following, but I get a compiling error:
error: 'V' is not a type
class graph {
int V;
std::vector<int> row(V);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix(V,row);
graph(int v): V(v) {}
Is there something I am failing to understand? Is it even allowed to initialize a vector this way?
The compiler considers these lines:
std::vector<int> row(V);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix(V,row);
as member function declarations with parameters that have unknown types and omitted names.
It seems what you need is to use the constructor's member initializer list instead, like the following:
class graph {
int V;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix;
graph(int v): V(v), matrix( v, std::vector<int>( v ) ) {}