I faced with issue that I need use Liquibase migration without running application. (through the command ./gradlew update
I added the following section to one of my projects:
if (!project.hasProperty("url")) {
project.ext.url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test"
if (!project.hasProperty("username")) {
project.ext.username = "test"
if (!project.hasProperty("password")) {
project.ext.password = "test"
if (!project.hasProperty("defaultSchemaName")) {
project.ext.defaultSchemaName = "test"
if (!project.hasProperty("changelogFile")) {
project.ext.changelogFile = "some-path/changelog-master.xml"
liquibase {
activities {
main {
driver "org.postgresql.Driver"
url project.ext.url
username project.ext.username
password project.ext.password
defaultSchemaName project.ext.defaultSchemaName
changelogFile project.ext.changelogFile
This works, but it takes up a lot of space in build.gradle
, and the same task needs to be added to other projects as well.
Is it possible to bring this section into a plugin and organize work through the plugin?
The solution that helped me:
private void configureExtension(Project project) {
project.getExtensions().configure(LiquibaseExtension.class, liquibaseExtension -> {
var activity = liquibaseExtension.getActivities().create("main");
var arguments = new HashMap<>() {
put("url", url);
put("username", username);
put("password", password);
put("defaultSchemaName", defaultSchemaName);
put("classpath", classpath);
put("changeLogFile", changeLogFile);