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How to uninstall bun

I installed bun on windows (ubuntu) with this command: | bash

Now I want to remove bun and reinstall it (not upgrade)


  • If you look at the source for the installation script (and I mean, surely you did that already, before blindly executing code from the internet. Right? Right..?), you can find that

    • bun_install="${BUN_INSTALL:-$HOME/.bun}" – the default install directory is $HOME/.bun
    • the script additionally adds that to your shell's configuration, i.e.
      • .config/fish/ if you're using Fish
      • .zshrc if you're using zsh
      • or you've manually added it to your path following instructions if you're using another shell.

    Thus, uninstallation means:

    • removing ~/.bun
    • removing those shell configuration customizations