I have a Jenkins stage requirement is for loop should continue even it fails on 1st index value. I tried below code but the for loop doesn't continue if REPO_LIST failed on "A". Any suggestions. Thanks for the help in advance.
stages {
stage('A') {
when {
expression {params.ENV == true}
steps {
script {
try {
def REPO_LIST = [ "A", "B" ]
for ( REPO in REPO_LIST ) {
CODE xxxxxxxx
} catch(all) {
println "hello"
You need to have the try-catch block within your loop surrounding the CODE xxxx
. Have look at the below.
stages {
stage('A') {
when {
expression {params.ENV == true}
steps {
script {
def REPO_LIST = [ "A", "B" ]
for ( REPO in REPO_LIST ) {
try {
CODE xxxxxxxx
} catch(all) { println "hello"}