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How can i replace retryWhen on this ngrx effect?

I have this code that work as intended:

  • i dispatch a signin function
  • the effect take data fom action and make http post
  • if the error status is 504 i retry the http post
  • if it's all ok -> success action else error action
authSignIn$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
    exhaustMap(action => this.http
      .post<responseModel.SignInResponse>(`${environment.baseUrl}/${authBaseUrl}/${ApiPaths.singIn}`, {
        codF: action.username,
        password: action.password
        map((response) => authActions.signInSuccess({user: response.accountInfo, token: response.token})),
        catchError((error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
          if (error.status === 504) {
            return throwError(() => error);
          return of(authActions.signInFail({error: error.message}))
        retryWhen((errors) => errors.pipe(delay(4000), take(4)))

but on RxJs documentation ( the retryWhen operator is tagged as deprecated... So, how can i modify this code to do the same things but without deprecated operators? What is the replacement for replyWhen (if there's one)?


  • The Deprecation Notes ( state to use retry with a delay option. retry takes a RetryConfig object, which has following properties: count, delay and resetOnsuccess.

    With your code given above you should try this:

    retry({ count: 4, delay: 4000 })