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Android Room in Kotlin 1.7.0

When updating to Kotlin 1.7.0, since it's required by the latest version of Jetpack Compose, I found out that Room was no longer working. I was using kapt as my annotation processor, and the compiler was throwing error messages such as:

[*] error: Query method parameters should either be a type that can be converted into a database column or a List / Array that contains such type. You can consider adding a Type Adapter for this.


  • The fix was to migrate from kapt to ksp. KSP is the theoretical successor of kapt, and it's developed by Google. To do so, first I had to import the library into my classpath:

    buildscript {
      repositories {
        classpath ""

    Check the latest version from MVN Repository just in case there has been an update, but as the time of writing this the latest version for Kotlin 1.7.0 is 1.7.0-1.0.6.

    Now, in my module's build.gradle:

    plugins {
      // Remove the old kapt plugin
      id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt'
      // Add the new KSP plugin
      id ''
    android {
      defaultConfig {
        // Replace old compile options
        javaCompileOptions {
          annotationProcessorOptions {
            arguments += [ "room.schemaLocation": "$projectDir/schemas".toString() ]
        // With the new KSP arg method
        ksp {
          arg("room.schemaLocation", "$projectDir/schemas".toString())
    dependencies {
      // Replace all kapt calls with ksp
      // kapt "$room_version"
      ksp "$room_version"

    Now Room should be working correctly in Kotlin 1.7.0!