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GORM omit fields in a JSON Response

I would like to omit some fields in my JSON Response. Currently I have a type receiver that returns a new struct userToJson. I then pass this to the json.NewEncoder(). However I am wondering if this is the best way to omit fields using GORM.

Thank you beforehand!

package server

import (

type User struct {
    FirstName string `gorm:"not null;default:null"`
    LastName  string `gorm:"not null;default:null"`
    Email     string `gorm:"not null;default:null;unique"`
    Password  string `gorm:"not null;default:null"`
    Posts     []Posts
type userToJson struct {
    Email string
    Posts []Posts

func (u *User) toJson() userToJson {
    return userToJson{
        Email: u.Email,
        Posts: u.Posts,


  • Another approach is to implement the interface Marshaler for your type to modify how marshaling to JSON works. The json package checks for that interface before marshaling, and if it exists, calls that function. Here is the interface from the standard library.

    type Marshaler interface {
        MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

    One sample implementation for your User type would be as follows.

    func (u *User) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
        type Temp struct {
            Email string
            Posts []Post
        t := Temp{
            Email: u.Email,
            Posts: u.Posts,
        return json.Marshal(&t)