I'm trying to draw this chart with Flot. There's a flat line from 0 to 10 (at y=1). and points at x=2, x=3, x=7 all also at y=1.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I'm also open to anything else other than Flot, if there's a clear example how to do what I'm trying to do, that I can almost copy/paste.
Pretty easy using flot:
<div id="placeholder" style="width:600px;height:300px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var someLine = [[0, 1], [10, 1]];
var somePoints = [[2,1],[3,1],[7,1]];
data: someLine,
lines: { show: true}
data: somePoints,
points: { show: true}