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Create destination folder on FTP server, if it does not exist yet, using WinSCP in PowerShell

I have this script and I want to transfer archive witch script created previous to the server. But on the server I want to check and create if the target folder with name of the machine ($inputID) exists or not.

$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
    Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Ftp
    HostName = ""
    PortNumber = 2121
    UserName = "user"
    Password = "pass"
    FtpSecure = [WinSCP.FtpSecure]::Explicit
    TlsHostCertificateFingerprint = "-"

$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session

    # Connect

    # Transfer files
    # Check if $inputID folder exists, if not create it.
    # After, copy the .$inputID - $ in folder > $inpudID.
        "E:\logs\win\Archive\$inputID - $", "/Public/$inputID/*").Check()


  • Use Session.FileExists method and Session.CreateDirectory method:

    $remotePath = "/Public/$inputID"
    if (!$session.FileExists($remotePath))

    And it's more straightforward and safe to use Session.PutFileToDirectory:

        "E:\logs\win\Archive\$inputID - $", $remotePath)