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How to avoid .then() nesting when working with API Calls in Cypress?

With my team we're trying to find a more readable way to handle dependent API calls in Cypress. We have some code just like this nowadays:

// nested code
      cy.request('GET', myUrl).its('body').then(res => {
        cy.request('GET', res).its('body').then(subRes => {
          cy.request('GET', subRes).its('body').then(subSubRes => {
            expect(subSubRes, myMessage).to.eq(myEvaluation);

We have thought about this solution also but I think we doesn't gain a lot in readability.

// less nested code?
      let response;
      let subResponse;
      cy.request('GET', myUrl).its('body').then(res => {
        response = res;
      cy.then(() => {
        cy.request('GET', response).its('body').then(subRes => {
          subResponse = subRes;

      cy.then(() => {
        cy.request('GET', subResponse).its('body').then(subSubRes => {
          expect(subSubRes, myMessage).to.eq(myEvaluation);

Do you have any ideas to handle this kind of logic without getting into a pyramid? Thanks in advance!


  • Something like

    cy.request('GET', myUrl).its('body')
        .then(res => cy.request('GET', res).its('body'))
        .then(subRes => cy.request('GET', subRes).its('body'))
        .then(subSubRes => {
            expect(subSubRes, myMessage).to.eq(myEvaluation);

    should work.