I am having issue in BuildFire that works on my local computer but fails in production when the plugin is uploaded.
In my plug-in, I am having the user enter and save values to the buildfire local storage as such in my Content.js:
function saveCredentionals (){
buildfire.localStorage.setItem("bw_organizer_id", organizer_id, (error) => {
if (error) return console.error("something went wrong!", error);
console.log("All is well, data saved and other plugins can now access it");
buildfire.localStorage.setItem("bw_access_token", access_token, (error) => {
if (error) return console.error("something went wrong!", error);
console.log("All is well, data saved and other plugins can now access it");
The files save correctly and values can be retrieved in the Content.js, even when page reloads. Next I try to retrieve the values in Widget.js as such:
]).then(items => {
let has_organizer_token = false;
let has_access_token = false;
if (items[0]) {
has_organizer_token = true;
if (items[1]) {
has_access_token = true;
if (has_access_token && has_access_token) {
displayVideoPage(items[0], items[1]);
} else {
setMainContent(<div>Organizer ID and access token required.</div>);
This works on my local computer but fails to retrieve the value when I publish my plugin and run it on the app.buildfire.com . The items from the Promise are both null on production in my Widget.js.
Any thoughts on why this is happenings? The code is also open sourced here: https://github.com/BingeWave-Libraries/buildfire-livestream
localStorage is not meant to be shared between Control and Widget as the Widget should be able to run anywhere isolated from Control.
If you're looking to use localStorage as a shared communication you can check BuildFire Messaging
If you're looking to persist and share data you should look at: