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Dynamically adding properties to database query in JavaScript

I am writing a function to query a Firestore database collection for documents that have only certain properties. The filters is defined as an array of "key, value" pairs. eg:

  ["Colour", "green"],
  ["Colour", "blue"],
  ["Greeting", "hello"]

This array can be of any length, and I am trying to get every document in the database that does not have values listed in the filter array.

I can do this by using:

await db.collection("database")
  .where("Colour", "!=", "blue")
  .where("Colour", "!=", "green")
  .where("Greeting", "!=", "hello")

My issue is that the filter can be any length, so I cannot write the query to have a set number of .where() methods. Is there any way in JavaScript that I can dynamically add methods to a query like shown above (not knowing how many methods I need to add)?

My workaround right now is just to query the entire database, then sort it using Javascript filter functions, but I would like to only have to query the database for the values needed.

Alternatively, are there any other Firestore queries that could complete this filter? I was looking at the docs, but the way my filter is set up with key/value pairs that could be repeated or undefined, it did not seem that any of the complex query methods would work.


  • Assuming that you are building an array full of only excluded key-value pairs and the values you are excluding are properly indexed, we can start off defining some constants:

    const collectionRef = db.collection("database");
    const excludedKeyValuePairs = [
      ["Colour", "green"],
      ["Colour", "blue"],
      ["Greeting", "hello"],

    Now we have those, we can build the query using Array#reduce.

    const query = excludedKeyValuePairs
        (query, [key, value]) => query.where(key, "!=", value), // appends the new constraint, returning the new query object
    const querySnapshot = await query.get();

    However, if you can use the newer modular Firestore SDK, you can also achieve the same result using:

    import { getFirestore, getDocs, collection, query, where } from "firebase/firestore";
    const db = getFirestore();
    const collectionRef = collection(db, "database");
    const constraints = [
      where("Colour", "!=", "green"),
      where("Colour", "!=", "blue"),
      where("Greeting", "!=", "Hello")
      // elements can also be added or removed using standard array methods as needed.
    // OR const constraints =[key, value]) => where(key, "!=", value))
    const querySnapshot = await getDocs(query(collectionRef, ...constraints));