I am trying to export a dataframe to xlsx
df |> XLSX.writexlsx("df.xlsx")
and am getting this error:
ERROR: Unsupported datatype String31 for writing data to Excel file. Supported data types are Union{Missing, Bool, Float64, Int64, Dates.Date, Dates.DateTime, Dates.Time, String} or XLSX.CellValue.
I cannot find anyting about String31
utilizing Google. Is there a "transform" that I need to perform on the df beforehand?
It seems that currently this is a limitation of XSLX.jl. I have opened an issue proposing to fix it.
I assume your df
is not huge, in which case the following solution should work for you:
to_string(x::AbstractString) = String(x)
to_string(x::Any) = x
XLSX.writetable("df.xlsx", to_string.(df))