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Helm --set with > as special Charcater at the end

I need help with helm cli because I have a password that end with '>'. I am usisng helm v3.9.0 with go1.17.5 on windows machine

My password is like 123456hJcx>

So to create a secret I need to inyect this values when executing the helm command

helm upgrade --install ..... --set dbPass=123456hJcx>

This give the the error: The syntaxt of the command is incorrect so I tried to remove the '>' just to check if this was the issue and yes, if I remove the '>' there are no errors. I have tried to scape it like this

helm upgrade --install ..... --set dbPass=123456hJcx\>

also to quote it

helm upgrade --install ..... --set dbPass='123456hJcx>'
helm upgrade --install ..... --set 'dbPass=123456hJcx>'

and also quote and scape

helm upgrade --install ..... --set dbPass='123456hJcx\>'
helm upgrade --install --dubug --dry-run ..... --set 'dbPass=123456hJcx\>'

but nothing works....

in some cases it return this enter image description here

and thats it but if I just removbe the '>' it works perfect I see all the manifest but the password will be incorrect enter image description here

Any help for that

Thanks in advance


  • Ok i forgot this is windows to scape use "


    helm upgrade --install ..... --set dbPass="123456hJcx>"