How to remove all the occurrences of apostrophe('), hyphen(-) and dot(.) in a given string using Regular Expression?
For example: John,. Home'Owner-New should return John, HomeOwnerNew
I have tried using name.replace("\'", "").replace("-", "").replace(".", "")
and it works. But I feel there should be a better approach using regular expression. I have tried few but with no luck. Can someone please guide me in the right direction?
the regex you are looking for is likely /[\.'-]/g
I have attached a snippet including a test based on the sample you provided.
const originalString = "John,. Home'Owner-New"
const expectedString = "John, HomeOwnerNew"
const myRegex = /[\.'-]/g
const newString = originalString.replace(myRegex, "");
const regexWorks = newString === expectedString;
if(!regexWorks) throw Error('test failed');