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Custom activation function dependant on other output nodes in Keras

I would like to predict a multi-dimensional array using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks while imposing restrictions on the shape of the surface of interest.

I thought to accomplish this by setting some elements of the output (regions of the surface) in a functional relationship to others (simple scaling conditions).

Is it possible to set such custom activation functions for the output, whose argument are other output nodes, in Keras? If not, is there any other interface that allows this? Do you have any source to a manual?


  • The keras-team on the GitHub answered the question about how to make a custom activation function.

    There also is a question with a code with a custom activation function.

    These pages may help you!

    Additional comment

    These pages were not enough for this question so I add the comment below;

    Maybe PyTorch is better for customization than Keras. I tried to write such a network, though it is a very simple one, based on PyTorch tutorials and "Extending PyTorch with Custom Activation Functions"

    I made a custom activation function in which the 1-th(counting from 0) elements of the output vector are equal to twice the 0-th elements. A very simple network with one layer was used for the training. After training, I checked that the condition was satisfied.

    import torch
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Define the custom activation function
    # reference:
    def silu(input):
        input[:,1] = input[:,0] * 2
        return input 
    class SiLU(torch.nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super().__init__() # init the base class
        def forward(self, input):
            return silu(input) # simply apply already implemented SiLU
    # Training
    # reference:
    k = 10
    x = torch.rand([k,3])
    y = x * 2
    model = torch.nn.Sequential(
        torch.nn.Linear(3, 3),
        SiLU()  # custom activation function
    loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum')
    learning_rate = 1e-3
    for t in range(2000):
        y_pred = model(x)
        loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y)
        if t % 100 == 99:
            print(t, loss.item())
        with torch.no_grad():
            for param in model.parameters():
                param -= learning_rate * param.grad
    # check the behaviour
    yy = model(x)  # predicted
    print('ground truth')
    # examples for the first five data
    colorlist = ['#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3', '#ff7f00']
    for i in range(5):
      plt.plot(y[i,:].detach().numpy(), linestyle = "solid", label = "ground truth_" + str(i), color=colorlist[i])
      plt.plot(yy[i,:].detach().numpy(), linestyle = "dotted", label = "predicted_" + str(i), color=colorlist[i])
    # check if the custom activation works correctly
    plt.plot(yy[:,0].detach().numpy()*2, label = '0th * 2')
    plt.plot(yy[:,1].detach().numpy(), label = '1th')