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Is there a way to see which list item was found when using the any function in python?

I have a list of of words which I want to find in a text file. Right now I'm trying the any method to iterate through lines in a file. It returns True or False correctly so it's working fine.

My question though is if it's possible to see which word it found? I can see with my code and the text which word was found but I would like to use it in the code somehow if it's possible.

An example of what I mean below. This code returns True or False if any of the words are in the line.

list_of_words = ['apple', 'banana', 'lemon']

with open(file, 'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

for line in lines:
    x = any(word in line for word in list_of_words)


  • You can use next instead, with a default in case no element is found.

    x = next((word for word in list_of_words if word in line), None)
    if x is not None:

    If None can be an element in the list, you may use some dedicated sentinel object instead, e.g.

    not_in = object()
    x = next((word for word in list_of_words if word in line), not_in)
    if x is not not_in:

    Or explicitly catch the StopIteration error:

        x = next(word for word in list_of_words if word in line)
    except StopIteration:

    Note that all of these approaches only give you the first such element, and then stop checking the rest (like any does); if instead you are interested in all such elements, you should use a list comprehension as in the other answer.