I have some text that I want to simply highlight using a simple react package called 'react-animarker'. I have tried to use useState hook as I want to dynamically update the speed of the animation as shown. However, the duration does not change the way I want it to. But in the console, it does show as changing. Any ideas as to why?
Link to React Package: https://github.com/ramonmetzker/react-animarker
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import {Mark} from 'react-animarker'
const Highlightx = () => {
const [speed, setSpeed] = useState(5)
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<Mark duration={speed}>Highlightx</Mark>
<button onClick={handleClick}>Hello</button>
export default Highlightx
After taking a look at the library you are using, I found a solution:
For some reason, React does not see any state change with the <Mark>
component when the duration
property changes, therefore, React does not force a refresh of the component. If you add a key
property that changes with the duration, then it will force a re-render of the Mark component and re-draw your highlight.
<Mark key={speed} duration={speed}>
Here is simple example in codesandbox (simply change the value of the input field and the highlight will re-draw after each change): example