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Unable to break down logstash message field

The input looks like

"message": [
      ",{\"Timestamp\":\"2022-07-10T15:19:26.5172555Z\",\"Level\":\"Error\",\"MessageTemplate\":\"this is an error\",\"RenderedMessage\":\"this is an error\",\"Properties\":{\"RequestId\":\"0HMJ2FOA0IL5B:00000002\",\"RequestPath\":\"/\",\"ConnectionId\":\"0HMJ2FOA0IL5B\"}}\r"

I've tried the following:

filter {
    split {
        field => "message"


filter {
    json {
        source => "message"

I think there might be an issue with how it's being formatted, as there is a comma , at the start of the message string

below is an example of the minimal API I've made to test this

using Elastic.CommonSchema.Serilog;
using Serilog;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    .UseSerilog((ctx, lc) => lc
        .WriteTo.Http(textFormatter: new EcsTextFormatter(), requestUri: "http://localhost:5000", queueLimitBytes: null)

var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/", (Serilog.ILogger logger) =>
    logger.Error("this is an error");
    return "logged an error";


  • The issue I was having is due to an incorrect logstash input setup, previously I had:

    input {
        beats {
            port => 5044
        tcp {
            port => 5000
            tags => ["API"]

    And I was writing HTTP logs to port 5000 via Serilog.Sinks.Http

    The correct logstash input is as below:

    input {
        http {
            #default host
            codec => json

    And to then write logs to 8080, very obvious in hindsight but it's something I was stuck with for a few days.

    Doubt people make this mistake often (if ever) as I couldn't find anything for it online, but I'm writing this answer anyway!