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Is there a logical algorithm to generate unique outputs for the given inputs?

I have a table of inputs that needs to output a unique formatted byte. The bytes outputted from the algorithm need to have only 1 bit on, giving 8 unique outputs. The inputs do not have to correlate with a specific output as long as each input has a unique output. The following is a list of all possible inputs and outputs.

Inputs: -00001000 -00001001 -00000001 -00000101 -00000100 -00000110 -00000010 -00001010

Outputs: -10000000 -01000000 -00100000 -00010000 -00001000 -00000100 -00000010 -00000001

I would like to know if there is a logical algorithm which is designed to do this. I'm currently using a lookup table for this which is not very optimized. I have access to all the operations used in 6502 assembly.

I've given my lookup table code as one possible solution in an answer, but I'm looking for something better if it exists.


  • 18 bytes, 11 cycles

    A small lookup table will be the smallest, fastest and don't forget most versatile solution to your question. You can easily change how these numbers map to each other.

    LDX input     ;  2 bytes, 3 cycles (Zero Page)
    LDA lookup,X  ;  3 bytes, 5 cycles
    STA output    ;  2 bytes, 3 cycles (Zero Page)
    lookup:       ; 11 bytes
      .byte $00,$20,$02,$00,$08,$10,$04,$00,$80,$40,$01

    Tip: Perhaps the first byte ($00) of the lookup table could double up as the terminating zero of some string that you need in your program anyway. That's one trick I've used more than once over the years.

    18 bytes, 10 cycles

    Shave off 1 cycle by making absolutely sure that the lookup table does not cross a page boundary (5 cycles then becomes 4 cycles).

    LDX input     ;  2 bytes, 3 cycles (Zero Page)
    LDA lookup,X  ;  3 bytes, 4 cycles
    STA output    ;  2 bytes, 3 cycles (Zero Page)
    lookup:       ; 11 bytes
      .byte $00,$20,$02,$00,$08,$10,$04,$00,$80,$40,$01

    17 bytes, 10 cycles

    Shave off 1 byte and 1 cycle by placing the lookup table on the zero page (3 bytes then becomes 2 bytes).

    LDX input     ;  2 bytes, 3 cycles (Zero Page)
    LDA lookup,X  ;  2 bytes, 4 cycles (Zero Page)
    STA output    ;  2 bytes, 3 cycles (Zero Page)
    lookup:       ; 11 bytes
      .byte $00,$20,$02,$00,$08,$10,$04,$00,$80,$40,$01