I have created a react application which display some data using map method later I have added a input search field so that I must be able to see a particular data from multiple data, now what I have troubled with is that, if I'm adding a particular category to filter I'm successfully able to display them, but I'm unable to show remaining category data from search.
How can I improve my code to be able to search data among multiple category of items.
Check my code below and tell me how I can perform the functionality I want to create.
This is how I displayed my array data
<tbody key={id}>
This is my search field:
const [search, setSearch] = useState('');
<input type="text" value={search} onChange={(e)=> setSearch(e.target.value)}/>
These are my categories in the APIData:
let { id, image, companyName, email, companyNumber, lineofBusiness,address,
pincode,area,city,state,country } = data;
With my knowledge over ReactJS I was able to filter a single category of my array using this method while data render:
In the above code if I change the companyName to any other array I'm able to search the individual category, but I want to get all the categories to be able to search from alltogether.
How can I do this please help me get over the problem and if you need any further info needed to solve my problem ask me.
You can use this filter method, as it will filter on all the data
.filter(data =>
Object.values(data).some(value => value.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()))