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Testing Doobie Interpreter Using Testcontainers

I'm trying to test some SQL statements developed with doobie using Testcontainers libraries. In detail, I'm using the following dependencies:

"org.testcontainers" % "testcontainers" % "1.17.3" % Test,
"org.testcontainers" % "postgresql"     % "1.17.3" % Test

My domain model is straightforward:

final case class Company(id: Int, name: String, description: String)

I create the table on PostgreSQL using an init script:

CREATE TABLE companies (
  id serial NOT NULL,
  name text NOT NULL,
  description text

ALTER TABLE companies

I'm trying to develop an integration test that verifies the insertion of a new Company. I'm using scalatest:

"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest"                     % scalaTestVersion           % Test,
"org.typelevel"  %% "cats-effect-testing-scalatest" % scalaTestCatsEffectVersion % Test

The code of the test is the following:

class CompaniesSpec extends AsyncFreeSpec with AsyncIOSpec with BeforeAndAfter with Matchers {

  private val transactor: Resource[IO, Transactor[IO]] = for {
    postgres <- makePostgres
    ce       <- ExecutionContexts.fixedThreadPool[IO](1)
    xa <- HikariTransactor.newHikariTransactor[IO](
  } yield xa

  private def makePostgres =
    Resource.make(IO {
      val container: PostgreSQLContainer[Nothing] =
        new PostgreSQLContainer().withInitScript("sql/companies.sql")
    })(c => IO(c.stop()))

  "Companies algebra " - {
    "should create a new Company" in {
      (for {
        companyId    <- transactor.use { xa =>
          sql"INSERT INTO companies (name, description) VALUES ('My Company', 'My Company Description')"
        maybeCompany <- transactor.use { xa =>
          sql"SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id = $companyId"
      } yield maybeCompany)
        .asserting { company =>
          company shouldBe defined
 shouldBe "My Company"
          company.get.description shouldBe "My Company Description"

However, the test's assertions fail with the following error, which indicates that the code is not inserting anything into the database.

None was not defined
ScalaTestFailureLocation: com.rockthejvm.board.playground.algebras.CompaniesSpec at (CompaniesSpec.scala:68)

I really can't understand why the test is failing. Can anyone help me?


  • makePostgres is a Resource which you compose with the HikariTransactor into the transaction Resource. That means that every time you call transaction.use{ ... } a new container is started and a new hikari connection pool is started. When the code in use finishes both are stopped.

    Because you execute both queries in a different transactor.use{ ... } block they both run in a different container and on a different connection pool.

    Instead you should make sure you use the same resources throughout your test.

    transactor.use { xa =>
      for {
        companyId    <-
          sql"INSERT INTO companies (name, description) VALUES ('My Company', 'My Company Description')"
        maybeCompany <- 
          sql"SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id = $companyId"
      } yield maybeCompany
    .asserting { company =>
      company shouldBe defined shouldBe "My Company"
      company.get.description shouldBe "My Company Description"