I am getting error with new JDBCClient API.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/agroal/api/configuration/supplier/AgroalDataSourceConfigurationSupplier
Created project from starter, included jdbc-client and H2 database API.
JDBCPool pool = JDBCPool.pool(
// configure the connection
new JDBCConnectOptions()
// H2 connection string
// username
// password
// configure the pool
new PoolOptions()
while retrieving connection getting NoClassDefFoundError
Given that the vert.x client requires a pool, all pool implementations are marked as optional dependencies and your build tool does not pull it to your project. Which means you need to explicitly add it; otherwise you will see that error. For this case, you will need:
For the future, the plan is to rely just on a javax.sql.DataSource
and keep the pool agnostic. Most pools do implement this interface, so users are free to choose to use a pool or not.