my situation is the following:
I use an el-table component with datas fetch from an api. I put those datas in a computed property so that I can sort, filter and paginate my table. Now, I have also created a column to edit or delete a row. The edit button open an el-form with the buttons "cancel" and "confirm". The delete button leads to a confirmation pop.
My problem is that even though the datas get updated, I need to click on another row for it to be seen. For some reason, when i just put raw datas (no api, no computed, no sorting, ...) the edit and delete buttons work perfectly. Also If I don't ask confirmation for the buttons, it works (but then I can't cancel the edit nor the delete).
How can I update or delete the datas without having to click outside the fields?
Here are the computed datas:
computed: {
displayData() {
if ( === null) return;
this.filtered =
(data) =>
! ||
this.searchBy.some((item) =>
); = this.filtered.length;
if (this.order === "+name")
this.filtered.sort((a, b) =>;
else if (this.order === "-name")
this.filtered.sort((a, b) => -1 *;
return this.filtered.slice(
this.perPage * this.currentPage - this.perPage,
this.perPage * this.currentPage
And here are the methods of the buttons (edit, confirm and delete):
methods: {
handleUpdate(row) {
this.temp = Object.assign({}, row); // copy obj
this.dialogStatus = "update";
this.dialogFormVisible = true;
this.$nextTick(() => {
updateData() {
this.$refs["dataForm"].validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
const index = this.displayData.findIndex(
(v) => v.code === this.temp.code
this.displayData.splice(index, 1, this.temp);
this.dialogFormVisible = false;
title: "Success",
message: "Update Successfully",
type: "success",
duration: 1000,
handleDelete(row, index) {
this.$confirm(`Are you sure to delete ${}?`, {}).then(() => {
this.displayData.splice(index, 1);
title: "Success",
message: "Delete Successfully",
type: "success",
duration: 1000,
is a computed property in your code - computed properties are not writable unless they have a setter
. Either provide a setter
or update the data
array directly rather than the computed property.