I struggled to find something to answer this, perhaps I'm simply looking for the wrong question:
I have a field that people may put a string into, such as:
2xC55 1xG7
I'm attempting to compare the number of instances by a value (listing the unique values in one column!). Ultimately I want it to read:
colB colC
G7 3
C55 3
however, using =UNIQUE(FILTER(A1:A4,A1:A2))
Column B will write:
col B
2xC55 1xG7
And if I try to count the number of instances of a value using =COUNTIF(A1:A4,"*"&B1&"*")
it will read, in whole:
col A col B col C
G7 G7 3
2xC55 1xG7 2xC55 1xG7 1
G7 C55 2
So again, how would I make columns B and C read:
colB colC
G7 3
C55 3
I have other issues, but once I figure this out, I should be able to apply it forward (as it seems to be a confusing regex extraction + listing all in one)
"(?:\d+x)?(.+)")&"×", IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT(SPLIT(A1:A4, " "), "(\d+)x"), 1)*1)), "×"))),
"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label count(Col1)''"))