I have some code that opens up command prompt, and requires a user to sign in through windows command prompt. I've gotten complaints about it being really ugly that they have to log in like that, so I thought I'd add some Ascii-art to the terminal so it gives something to look at (below). Any ideas how I would be able to format that in VBA to result in some nice art for the terminal?
shellOUT = oShell.Run("cmd.exe /s /c echo Art Here & " & f & " " & cf, vbNormalFocus, True)
it would need to go in between "Echo" and "&" where it says "Art Here"
/ __ \ ___ _ __
/ / / // _ \| | / /
/ /_/ // __/| |/ /
/_____/ \___/ |___/
You can do:
Dim myArt As String
myArt = _
" ____ " & vbNewLine & _
" / __ \ ___ _ __" & vbNewLine & _
" / / / // _ \| | / /" & vbNewLine & _
" / /_/ // __/| |/ / " & vbNewLine & _
" /_____/ \___/ |___/ " & vbNewLine & _
" " & vbNewLine
shellOUT = oShell.Run("cmd.exe /s /c echo " & myArt & ..., vbNormalFocus, True)